AIM Multi Asset Trust Fund
AIM Multi-Asset Trust consists of both equity and fixed income securities. Additional units in the Trust will be created and purchased by subscribers on an ongoing basis with a price computed in accordance with the terms of the scheme’s particulars. The Trust will reinvest all investment income earned or received. Investors in the Trust will benefit from capital appreciation of the unit price. The Trustee of the Trust is vested with all the assets of the Trust as mandated by law to protect the interest of investor
Limitations on Investment
Except with the prior approval of the SEC, the Manager will not undertake the following on behalf of the Trust and observes the following restrictions:
Invest in commodities, future, or options.
Invest more than 10% of the net asset value of the scheme in any type of real estate companies or companies that have engaged in real estate investment activities.
Invest more than 25% of the net asset value of the scheme in securities issued by a single issuer.
Invest more than 10% of the net asset value of the scheme in any particular class of securities issued by a single issuer.
Invest more than 10% of the net asset value of the scheme in other collective investment schemes.
Invest more than 15% of the total net asset value of the scheme in securities not listed or quoted on an authorized stock exchange.
Purchase securities on margin, except that may be necessary for the clearance of purchases and sales of securities constituting or to be included in the assets of the scheme.
Make any investment that will result in the manager, trustee, or the scheme gaining management control of a company in which the investment has been made.
Make short sales of securities or maintain a short position.
Acquire any securities which are unpaid or partly paid for.
Apply any part of the assets of the scheme in the acquisition of an investment that is likely to involve the scheme in any liability, contingent or otherwise.
Enter underwriting or sub-underwriting contracts in relation to the subscription or purchase of any investment; or
Invest in any securities of a class in a company or other body if any officer or collective officer of the manager of the scheme owns more than 5% of the total nominal amount of the securities of that class issued by the company or body.
However, changes in prices of securities or properties may result in the above restrictions being affected. The fund manager will take immediate steps to correct any breaches of the investment restrictions brought about by changes in the prices of securities.